










[Keanu Reeves]



~ Avren Tr'Dell ~

Character Information

Nickname: Avi

Age: 432

Race: Elf-Banished and Called Dark Elf

Height: 6' 2''

Weight: 98 lbs.

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Grey

Occupation: Archer

Birthplace: Selvenast

Deep in the Elfin Forest of Selvenast, amid the towering, giant trees, a young elf was born to one of the most honorable Elfin houses. His family was rich, respected, and most importantly, held one of the great Staves of Magliook. These seven staves were the some of the most precious possesions to the Elfish people on the world of Fantastyk. Three of them were with the Wood Elfs in the West, three with the Elfs in the East and one lost at sea forever. To be one of the families entrusted with one of the Staves was a great honor as well as responsibility.

Since his younger years, Avren knew he was very different from his friends.  As time wore on, he began to realize that in searching his heart for who he wanted to spend the rest of his days on Fantastyk with, he found that no Elfish man fullfilled his needs.  It was well known, but not often disscussed, that while Elfish men and women married, they had a seperate, same sex lover to the side.  They considered them to be their true mates and companions, but had spouses only to continue Eflin traditions and bloodlines.  As such, marriages were always prearranged, and never for love.  Avren knew the girl he was to wed very well, and considered her one of his friends.  But even she could not be trusted with the secret of his heart's longing.

When he first was pondering over the dillema of not finding any Elfin lover, he hiked to the top of the mountain that overshadowed the valley: Mt. Karosk.  While meditating over what his options were: going to another town, settling for someone in Selvenast, or never finding his love, a great red light shone all around him.  He looked up and saw the most gorgeous being he had ever seen. The incredible male, (it was obvious since he was not clothed) had burnt red skin, coal black hair that flew around his face, an incredible physique and wings that stretched at least ten feet.  He was circling around the top of the mountain and looked like he was going to crash.  Avren stared up as the body finally stopped its quick circles and just fell to the ground with a sickening thud.  Avren, fearing that the creature was greatly injured, ran over to it as quickly as he could.  He gently rolled the being's torso over to see if he was breathing.  He couldn't help but notice the incredibly strong arms and well developed stomach (as well as other details) as he looked him over for injuries.  Not a scratch on him.  That surprised Avren; even immortal Elfs get scratches and cuts now and again.  The only way this being could be totally un-injured was if he was a god or a demi-god.

The creature started to wake up and turned to look his would-be rescuer in the face.  His eyes were bright gold and had an incredible kindness to them.  He reached a pointy nailed hand up to Avren's face and brushed it gently.  The two of them knew instantly what the other desired and neither spoke 'till they were through.  Avren then learned that the being was a demi-god and his name was Morgrath.  The two met frequently on top of their mountain and each time spent hours talking and falling more in love.  Avren knew that if the Elfin council were to find out, he would be banned.  A normal marriage between races was bad enough, but to have a non-Elf lover was a totally different matter.  He would be branded a Dark Elf and forbidden from entering Selvenast again.

He hid the truth about he and Morgrath well for a while.  Nearly one hundred years went by with them meeting and trying to figure out how they could one day be together.  But fate had different plans.  On an autumn day, a group of Elfs, younger than Avren, followed him up the mountain.  They had always wondered where he dissapeared off to, and they saw a chance to satisfy their young curiosity.  They hid well and neither Avren or Morgrath knew they were there.  But by the time Avren returned from up the mountain, the Council was waiting for him.  Given no chance to explain or defend himself, he was simply handed a small bag of supplies and a horse and was told to leave, but not before he was given quite a lecture on how one of a house entrusted with a Stave would behave.  Great detail was given about how mixing the races in such a manner was unacceptable, and that to even be in the same area as a Fire demi-god was a great offense. He never got to go back up the mountain one last time to tell Morgrath what had happened, and to this day he doesn't know.

Since that sad day in his home villiage, he has travelled to the far corners of the world, learning and gathering useful skills.  He still longs for a way to reach his lost love, but knows in his heart that he must accept that it may never happen.

Player Information

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